Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Woo ! Assalamualaikum semuaa. Lamanya x update blog. Rasanya dah berhabuk , berasap semua ada . haihh -_- haaa ! ni pon nak update sbb nak test jee. lately ni rasa x bersemangat la, xthu la knapa? so i decide la nak update blog sbb aku bnyak terinspirasi dengan blog2 yang ada sekarang. Jeles plak tgok diorang update macam2 . So, aku pon nak jugak! x aci ah. hehe. okay then .
Uoollss....Bismillahirrahmanirrahim....okay,Hye fellas, lately ni Ieza rasa diri Ieza ni kurang bermotivasi,  mesti korang pon pernah rasa mcm ni kan? jgn nak tipu lah, ha ! ha ! tipu dosa weyy ..xmo2 nanti babab kang bawu taw. huu -_- ...okay biasalah minggu ni kan minggu study ,minggu exam wooo ! fenin2x kepala cek ni pikiaq macam2. So x bnyak masa nak pergi ke Herbalife training semua tu. 
Eh ttba keluar pasal HERBALIFE ni apesal ??? haha, baiklah mesti pelik kan -_-  !! okay......, Before tht ieza nak introduce myself why i said about herbalife. actually aku ni HERBALIFERRR lah .NAK TAHU LEBIH LANJUT NANTI AKU BGITAHU OK. hahaha....Okay berbalik pada tujuan aku sebnarnya...So, aku nak SHARE and note to myself and to all of us lah sikit pasal motivasi or as known as motivational quotes especially tentang success and leadership.. check it out babe ! hopefully can help us :) actually ieza jumpa benda alah yang amat berguna ni dari blog kak  mana ntah yang ieza usha2 nun. tumpang share nohh.  tumpang share jaa. hehe ^_^ woi baca leklok wehh ! IT'S USEFULL FOR US ! TRUST ME !

10 Commandments of Success by Charles M. Schwab

1. Hard Work: Hard work is the best investment a man can make
 To have big income in Herbalife, we have to do big volume. To do big volume in Herbalife, we have to make sales. To make sales in Herbalife, we have to have DMO (Daily Methods of Operations). To have DMO in Herbalife, we have to repeat what we did over and over and over again until we succeed. (minimum 90 days plan, sebab tu kita panggil *DAILY*). So it all starts with doing work and do it very hard! Bukan setakat cuba seminggu, tade kesan, give up!

2. Study Hard: Knowledge enables a man to work more intelligently and effectively.
 Events after events after events after events! To be honest, kalau rasa-rasa masuk Herbalife nak income tapi tak sanggup nak attend trainings after trainings, I would kindly ask you to stop do Herbalife. How are you going to coach people, when you does not even learn how to coach them by going to the trainings?

3. Have Initiative: Ruts often deepen into graves.
 If you want to be successful in anything, please have your own initiative. Jangan asek mengharap upline or sponsor keep telling you what to do, which trainings to attend. You will not grow that way, trust me! kesannya : jadilah macam aku herbalife distributor yang x grow2  ni -_-.

4. Love Your Work: Then you will find pleasure in mastering it.
There is a saying,
Chose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
-Albert Schweitzer-

5. Be exact: Slipshod methods bring slipshod results.
To be successful, we must have our goals being set -> schedules, plans to be taken -> TAKE ACTIONS!
Kalau in Herbalife senang je, korang nak buat bape ribu sebulan. Let's say if you want to make RM30k monthly, cari orang yang make that much income in Herbalife, ask them how they do it, and JUST DO IT! ni baru nama dia gila. ! orang akan cari kita weii ,bukan kita yang cari orang ! 

6. Have the Spirit of Conquest: Thus you can successfully battle and overcome difficulties
Methods can only guide you on how to do it but with spirit, apa pon yang mendatang, we will always be positive and aiming for our goals.

7. Cultivate Personality: Personality is to a man what perfume is to the flower.
This one, me myself have to improve much! Especially when we are dealing with 'people business', we must be liked in order for us to be able to coach that person. So having good personality is surely something very valuable

8. Help and Share with Others: The real test of business greatness lies in giving opportunity to others
Dalam Islam, kita selalu diajar, semua rezeki yang kita dapat, bukan 100% milik kita. Sedikit dari hasil tersebut, milik orang lain yang lebih memerlukan. Never ever ever ever rasa kedekut untuk memberi ok :)
I learned from Auntie Kamilah, Pres Team Member in Herbalife, "Kalau kita rajin memberi, in other way selain dapat pahala, kita juga dapat menggalakkan diri kita untuk usaha lebih banyak supaya kita mampu memberi lebih banyak"

9. Be Democratic: Unless you feel right toward your fellow men, you can never be a successful leader of men
This is another thing that I really have to improve. Maklumlah. Ieza ni in progress untuk jadi leader yang baik dan memahami to all of my distributors.

10. In all Things Do Your Best: The man who done his best has done everything. The man who done less than his best has done nothing.

Yang ini sangat-sangat penting. Whatever it is, kita memang disuruh untuk berusaha dan membuat yang terbaik. Kalau korang setakat nak buat Herbalife to test your own market, nak cuba-cuba je atau mempunyai attitude, "Aku cuba lah, kalau dapat tu dapatlah, tak dapat pon takpe" *cakap dengan tak rasa yakin diri langsung. Please stay away from Herbalife business! jom sama2 kita grow nak nak? jommm ! yeayyyyyy ^_^

So. nilah sedikit sebanyak yang aku mampu share yaa. Ada masa , panjang umuR, ieza share lagi bebanyak kat korang Ok. Alhamdulillah dan insyaAllah ALLAH panjangkan umur ieza . Jumpa lagi uoollsss. Asssalamualaikum :)

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